Our core beliefs
We believe we all have a voice and it is our mission to help empower our clients to further develop to their best potential.

We all have a voice.
Empowering to transcend.
Voice Within Speech Pathology uses Speech Therapy, training, education and resources to empower and help individuals transcend barriers.
We build relationships based on integrity, mutual trust, respect and transparency.
We believe that all people have choices and should have hope. We share ideas, encourage discussion and remain optimistic.
We conduct ourselves with respect and professionalism; we pay attention to manners, methods and punctuality.
We are lifelong learners, seeking knowledge, professional development and upskilling opportunities.
We keep agile and solution focused.
We include everyone and collaborate at all times.
Our team’s core beliefs
At Voice Within Speech Pathology, we believe every person learns differently and these differences need to be utilised in therapy. Our assessments, therapy plans and services are structured to achieve this. So we can individually understand and collaborate with each client for their goals to be achieved in a fun and enjoyable way.
We believe in:
- Providing current and evidence based assessments and therapy.
- Ensuring clients and their families feel supported and cared for.
- Building sessions around each client’s interests ensuring we have fun together.
- Providing a personal and professional service.
- Working as a team.
- Seeing each client holistically. We consider a client’s physical, mental, emotional and developmental health and wellbeing when planning their assessments and intervention.
- Working together with other professionals to help our clients develop to their full potential across different settings.
- Empowering our clients’ families and stakeholders with the skills, resources and tools to complete home practice for best therapy success and daily life application.
Voice Within Speech Pathology is owned by born again believers of Jesus Christ. We believe God truly loves the world and each one of us, calling us to love Him and everyone else, as is evident in His word. “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”” Mark 12:30-31 (ESV)
We do our best to love, honour and serve our team and community. We work towards providing services of excellence, empowering our team and community as well as encouraging faith and hope for a future greater than we can imagine.
Please get in touch
We would love for you to get in touch to help determine the next steps. Please kindly fill out and submit this contact form.