Workshops & Events

Our workshops and events can train, equip and empower parents, carers, educators, clinicians and professionals on a variety of specific topics.

Post it notes pinned on a board during a workshop


We can provide workshops on a range of developmental and learning topics. These workshops can be developed for parents, carers, educators and clinicians.

Workshops can also be tailor made for your professional development requirements. If you are interested in our Senior Speech Pathologist running an interactive workshop for your school or workplace, please email [email protected] to express your interest.

Frequently asked questions

Can workshops be conducted via Telehealth?

Yes, we welcome workshops via Telehealth as it can assist organisations with participation and active interaction.

Can my team request a specific training tailored to our requirements?

Yes, you are very welcome to discuss with us any specific topics or requirements for your team and/ or stakeholders.

Can you recommend workshop topics for our team?

Yes, we would love to speak to you and suggest topics that could be relevant including any that have been useful or successfully run within our team.

Can we contact you post training to receive advice or resources?

Yes, we would be happy to be contacted post training for you to be directed to any resources or advice as workable.

Please get in touch

We would love for you to get in touch to help determine the next steps. Please kindly fill out and submit this contact form.

General Contact (workshops & events page)

Please select the services you're interested in

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